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  • C. Onuoha, “Interpretation and Selection of Direct Examination Locations with Respect to SCCDA Methodology, “NACE Edmonton Corrosion Conference (NACE International Northern Area Western Conference, 2022).
  • V. Shankar, C. Onuoha, E. Pozniak, P. Song, “Innovative Solutions for Water Crossing Pipeline Inspections” ASME Pipeline Conference Paper # 931627 (ASME Pipeline Conference, 2021)
  • C. Onuoha, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar, C. White, “Innovative Overline Survey Techniques for the Water and Wastewater Industry” ASME Pipeline Conference Paper # 927524 (ASME Pipeline Conference, 2021)
  • V. Shankar, E. Pozniak, C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, J. Spenst, T. Bumby, “Improved Methodology To Identify The Location Of A Stuck Pig Using Large Standoff Magnetometry Technology” NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2021-16908 (NACE CORROSION, 2021)
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar, L de Guzman, H Li, “Optimization of Internal Corrosion Assessments in Crude Oil Pipelines with Internal Corrosion Predictive Model” NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2021-16180 (NACE CORROSION, 2021)
  • V. Shankar, E. Pozniak, C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell “Monitoring and Assessing Pipeline Water Crossings in the Face of Severe Flooding, River Scour, and River Channel Migration “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-14962 (NACE CORROSION, 2020).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Process Improvements in Direct Assessment Programs “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-14817 (NACE CORROSION, 2020).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Use of Large Standoff Magnetometry in Pipeline Integrity Investigations “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-14475 (NACE CORROSION, 2020).
  • V. Shankar, E. Pozniak, C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, “Leveraging IOT Telemetry to Improve the Tracking of Inline Inspection Tools for Oil & Gas Pipelines, “IPC Conference Paper # IPC2020-9681 (IPC Calgary, 2020).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Coating Anomaly Detection with Integrated Indirect Inspection Tools, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-12810 (NACE CORROSION, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Comparison of Predicted and Outcome of Several ECDA Digs to Demonstrate Improvements in ECDA Methodologies, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-12811 (NACE CORROSION, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Interpretation and Selection of Direct Examination Locations with Respect to SCCDA Methodology, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-12812 (NACE CORROSION, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, V. Shankar “Integrity Assessment Case Studies of Time-Dependent Threats, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2019-12928 (NACE CORROSION, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, V. Shankar, E. Pozniak, “Use of Large Standoff Magnetometry for Geohazard Pipeline Integrity Investigations, “ASME PIMG Conference Paper # AIM-PIMG2019-1019 (ASME Houston Texas, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, “Identification of Unknown Steel Rods on Buried Pipeline Using Indirect Inspection Method, “NACE Western Corrosion Conference Paper # 02-0119 (NACE Calgary Canada, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, “Improvements in Direct Assessment Methodologies Using an Integrated Approach, “NACE Western Corrosion Conference Paper # 02-0319 (NACE Calgary Canada, 2019).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, “Predicted and Actual Dig Outcome of ECDA on Multiple Buried Onshore Pipelines, “NACE Western Corrosion Conference Paper # 02-1419(NACE Calgary Canada, 2019).
  • S. McDonnell, C. Onuoha, V. Shankar, E. Pozniak, “Identifying Stress Concentrations on Buried Pipelines using Large Standoff Magnetometry Technology, “IPC Conference Paper # IPC2018-78162 (IPC Calgary, 2018).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, “Predicted and Actual Dig Outcome of Dry Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Unpiggable Pipelines, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2018-11300 (NACE CORROSION, 2018).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, L. Guzman, V. Shankar, G. Zinter “Advancements in Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment using an Integrated Approach, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2018-11194 (NACE CORROSION, 2018).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell & Et al , PRCI Project EC-3-19: Improved Methodology for Identifying Coating Faults and Their Severity Through Electrolyte Resistivity Measurements ( Miami Florida, 2018)
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, M. Wegner, V. Shankar, G. Zinter “Interpretation and Selection of Direct Examination Locations with Respect to ECDA Methodology, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper # C2017-9304 (NACE CORROSION, 2017).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, M. Wegner, V. Shankar, G. Zinter, P. Paulson, W. Sim, J. Tolentino, T. Ross, “Improved Methodology in Identification of Buried Casings Using Indirect Inspection Method, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper# C2017-9400 (NACE CORROSION , 2017).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, L. Guzman, R. Lennox, P. Iyer, Y. Nakazato, C. Corina, G. Zinter, “Correlation of Inline and Aboveground Integrity Data for Comprehensive Pipeline Integrity Management, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper# C2017-9648 (NACE CORROSION, 2017).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, M. Krywko, “Pipeline Integrity Assessment, In-Line Inspection and Direct Assessment Anomaly Density, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper# C2016-7713 (NACE CORROSION, 2016).
  • C. Onuoha, S. McDonnell, E. Pozniak, M. Krywko, V. Shankar, “Improvement to Cathodic Protection Performance using DCVG Prioritization, “NACE Corrosion Conference Paper# C2016-7091 (NACE CORROSION, 2016).
  • S. McDonnell, C.C. Onuoha, “Oil and Gas Pipeline Technology Finds Uses in the Water and Wastewater Industry”, ASCE 2015 Pipeline Conference (Baltimore, USA 2015).
  • S. McDonnell, M. Wrigglesworth, T. Ross, C. Onuoha,” An Integrated Approach to Integrity for the Un-Piggable Pipe: New Inline and External Techniques,” Pipeline Technology Conference (Berlin Germany, 2015).



  • C. Onuoha, Z. Russell (née Memarrashidi), G.J. Kipouros, Z.N. Farhat and K.P. Plucknett, ‘The Aqueous Electrochemical Response of TiC-Stainless Steel Cermets’, Metals, 8 [6] Paper #398, pages 1-26 (2018). Invited paper: Focus Issue on “Cermets and Hardmetals”.
  • C. Onuoha, Z. Memarrashidi, G.J. Kipouros, Z.N. Farhat and K.P. Plucknett, ‘Aqueous Corrosion Behaviour of TiC-304L Stainless Steel Cermets in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl Solution’, Int. J. Refrac. Metal. Hard Mater., 66 [1] 234-243 (2017).
  • Jin, C.C. Onuoha, Z.N. Farhat, G.J. Kipouros and K.P. Plucknett, ‘Reciprocating Wear Behaviour of TiC-Stainless Steel Cermets’, Tribol. Int., 105 [1] 250-263 (2017).
  • Jin, C.C. Onuoha, Z.N. Farhat, G.J. Kipouros and K.P. Plucknett, ‘Microstructural Damage Following Reciprocating Wear of TiC-Stainless Steel Cermets’, Tribol. Int., 105 [1] 201-218 (2017).
  • C. Onuoha, C. Jin, Z.N. Farhat, G.J. Kipouros and K.P. Plucknett, ‘The Effects of TiC Grain Size on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of TiC-316L Stainless Steel Cermets’, Wear, 350-351 [1-2] 116-129 (2016).
  • C. Onuoha, G.J. Kipouros, Z.N. Farhat and K.P. Plucknett, ‘The Effects of Metal Binder Content and Carbide Grain Size on the Aqueous Corrosion Behaviour of TiC-316L Stainless Steel Cermets’, Int. J. Refrac. Metal. Hard Mater., 44 [1] 129-141 (2014).
  • C. Onuoha, Z.N. Farhat, G.J. Kipouros and K.P. Plucknett, ‘The Reciprocating Wear Behaviour of TiC-304L Stainless Steel Composites Prepared by Melt Infiltration’, Wear, 303 [1-2] 321-333 (2013).



  • Jin, C.C. Onuoha, Z.N. Farhat, G.J. Kipouros and K.P. Plucknett, ‘Focused Ion Beam

Characterisation of Reciprocating Wear Damage in TiC-316L Stainless Steel Cermets’, extended abstract (2 pages) in Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (June 2016).

  • C. Onuoha, G.J. Kipouros, Z.N. Farhat and K.P. Plucknett, ‘Characterisation of Reciprocating Wear in TiC/Stainless Steel Composites’, pp. 126-127 in Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (2012).



  • P. Plucknett,C. Jin, C.C. Onuoha, T.L. Stewart and Z. Memarrashidi, ‘Sliding Wear of High Performance Ceramic-Metal Composites’, in Mechanics of Materials (Vol. 4): Measurement and Applications, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland (2017). Invited paper.