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The board of Canchuks Corrosion Inc is pleased to announce that Dr. Chukwuma Onuoha (Chuks) has been appointed as the President / CEO & Principal Corrosion Consultant of Canchuks Corrosion Inc effective Monday, April 4, 2022. Dr. Chuks holds an MSc in Corrosion Control Engineering from the prestigious University of Manchester United Kingdom and a PhD in Materials Engineering (specialized in the corrosion & degradation of materials) at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He has over 15 years of corrosion engineering experience, is a NACE-certified Corrosion Specialist, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Corrosion UK. He is very active in the corrosion industry and has authored/co-authored over 40 corrosion-related technical and academic papers. Dr. Chuks is currently a professional engineer in Canada and an MBA candidate at the University of Fredericton.

Canchuks Corrosion Inc is one of the fastest-growing corrosion engineering consultancy firms and specializes in corrosion, materials engineering, and pipeline integrity. Please see the website for details.

Canchuks Corrosion Inc, which is headquartered in Canada, strives to become a world-renowned corrosion consultancy firm with a passionate team dedicated to offering clients “never seen before services” that exceed their expectations. If you contact Canchuks Corrosion Inc for consulting services, you can be assured that your assets will be fully optimized.


Please join me in announcing the launch of Canchuks Corrosion Inc and welcoming Dr. Chuks as he starts a new phase in his professional career.


Thank you

Canchuks Corrosion

Author Canchuks Corrosion

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